
上野学園短期大学 音楽文化研究センター
職位/役職 客員教授
氏名(ローマ字) マイケル・スペンサー(Michael Spencer)
専門 ファシリテーター概論
略歴(学歴・取得学位・職歴) 1987-2000: London Symphony Orchestra, member
2002-2004: Royal Opera House (Senior Management Team ) Head of Adult and Community Learning
2004 to present: Sound Strategies Ltd Creative Director and owner
2009-2015: Japan Society (UK) Trustee and Board member
2011 to 2024: Ueno Gakuen Research Center for Music and Culture, Visiting Fellow Ueno Gakuen University, Visiting Professor
2014 to present: Japan Philharmonic Orchestra Communication Director
2018 to present: Global Fellow, Tama University Business School
2020 to present: Tokyo University, Graduate School of Education, Visiting Professor
2020 to 2022: New National Theatre Tokyo, Advisor
2021 to present: Ongoing research collaboration with Lancaster, Yokohama and Chuo Universities
2021 to present: Faculty member, International Masters Program for Managers
2022 to present: ECOSYX Lab (Tokyo) Advisory Board member.
2022 to present: N高等学校・S高等学校、Curriculum development contributor
2022 to present: Forward Institute (UK), Appointment to facilitation team
2024 to present: Ueno Gakuen Research Center for Music and Culture, Visiting Fellow Ueno Gakuen Junior College, Visiting Professor
プロフィール(学会・社会活動・コンクール等受賞) A learning and development consultant with extensive international experience, in particular, working in different educational contexts and with diverse age groups. High level strategic planning and organisational abilities developed from a background in the performing Arts (formerly Head of Adult and Community Learning at the Royal Opera House), and with the skills and expertise to facilitate and implement major profile initiatives. Experience of leading and facilitating initiatives for the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Awards, Unilever, Intercontinental Hotel Group, British Society for Immunology, Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, Association of Japanese Symphony Orchestras, Embassy of Japan, Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès London Philharmonic Orchestra. Summary of skills and expertise:
• Proven strategic planning and implementation expertise
• Well-documented presentation skills of a high level across both media and public speaking platforms
• Extensive team facilitation skills particularly with regard to working in different cultural setting
• Flexible and original approach in creating practical solutions
• Pragmatic knowledge of PR and corporate communications
• Proven budget management ability
• Methodical, analytical and evaluative skills First individual to receive a 'Japan Festival Award' for the promotion of Japanese culture in the UK (1999)
研究業績(著作・論文・演奏会・作曲等) ■Lectures
• 2008: Geidankyou. Cultural Ministry Forum. Keynote (Tokyo)
• 2009, 2011Thought leaders in brand management conference keynote: (USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano)
• 2011: TEDxWWF. Speaker at the first 'TEDx' franchised event for World Wildlife Fund International.
• 2012: Ueno Gakuen Forum. 'The Future of the Facilitator' (Ueno Gakuen, Tokyo)
• 2013: Chiiki Sozo. Keynote speech. 'The role of the public venue in society'. (Kobe, Japan)
• 2006-2008: Peter and the Wolf (Animated Short Oscar winner 2008): Devise all education programmes and interventions
• 2009,2010: Japan Matsuri Festival. Director for the organisation and administration of a major intercultural event that attracted in excess of 50,000 visitors in one day. (London)
• 2009-2011: Intercontinental Hotel Group: 2-year research and development programme leading to the creation of new brand assets, internal advocacy programmes, design and implementation of learning materials for staff globally
• 2011: Fuji Electric: devise and implement 'product development' training programme for engineers (Tokyo)
• 2012: BASF: devise and implement innovation skills programme for research scientists (Shanghai)
• 2012: British Society for Immunology: Creative Director of programme bringing together artists and scientists for the public exhibition 'Going Viral' at the Glasgow Science Museum, for the European Federation of Immunological Societies' triennial conference (Glasgow, UK)
• 2012-2017: Design and host the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Awards (Bonn, Germany)
• 2013: Facilitator Training Programme. Devise and initiate the first training programme for music professionals in Japan (Ueno Gakuen, Tokyo)
• 2012: 'Tabi no Chikara' NHK Documentary (Glasgow, UK)
■Academic Publications
• 2005: ''It takes two to tango'. Journal of Business Strategy
• 2010: 'If Intercontinental were a sound'. Journal of Business Strategy
• 2013: Silence, patterns, structures: Music and improvisation in the context of organisational theory'. University of DuisbergEssen
指導方針 Building a successful career as a musician now requires a much broader set of skills. Whilst one's abilities as a performer are paramount, it is also important to develop more advanced creative skills, the ability to work across different disciplines, and to learn the sort of flexible entrepreneurial thinking appropriate for the fast changing society in which we live. One particular area that this course will concentrate on is the support and development of facilitation skills: the experientially-based techniques needed for leading non-specialist groups through new areas of learning, particularly in a community context. Since 2012 there has been a surge in demand for people who possess these skills, and music is one of the artistic disciplines that contributes much to this area of work. This intensive course will give you a practical introduction in the theory and practice of facilitation, enabling you to start to develop your own method of practice after graduation.
今日、音楽家として満足のいくキャリアを築くには、これまでよりも幅広いスキルが必要です。演奏家としての能力が最も重要なのは言うまでもありませんが、同時に、より高次の創造力と異なる分野を跨いで仕事をする能力を磨きめまぐるしく変化する社会にも柔軟に対応できる起業家精神を身につけることも重要です。 このファシリテーター概論では、ファシリテーションのサポートとスキルを習熟することに重点を置きます。ファシリテーション・スキルとは、特に地域社会のとの関わりにおいて、その分野に専門性を持たない人々を新たな学びの場で指導するのに必要なテクニックで、経験がとても大切です。2012年からこのファシリテーション・スキルを持つ人の需要がはっきりと見えてきました。音楽は、こうした取組みに大いに寄与できる芸術の一つです。この集中講義では、ファシリテーションの理論と実際についての実践的な導入を学びます。これは卒業した後に、自分なりの実践メソッドを開発出来るようになるための出発点です。






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